Through Bliss and Grief A Short Story -

vishesh kakar
3 min readJan 18, 2024

And so, beneath the sprawling branches of the willow tree, Lily and Oliver delved into a conversation about the complexities of life, embracing the spectrum of emotions that colored their experiences.

Their journey began with bliss, as Lily shared stories of laughter, joy, and the simple pleasures that made their hearts soar. From chasing butterflies in the meadow to discovering hidden gems in the town’s library, Lily and Oliver revealed in the tapestry of happiness woven through their adventures.

As the night deepened, Lily’s tone shifted, and the conversation turned towards grief. She spoke of the moments of sadness, loss, and the weight that sometimes lingered in the heart. Oliver listened attentively, his expression a mirror of empathy, as Lily shared tales of challenges faced and lessons learned.

Under the comforting embrace of the willow tree, Lily and Oliver realized that bliss and grief were intertwined, each adding depth and meaning to the other. They acknowledged that the lows in life made the highs more vibrant, and the moments of joy illuminated the path through grief.

Inspired by their conversation, Lily and Oliver decided to embark on an artistic exploration of bliss and grief. Armed with sketchbooks and colored pencils, they captured the essence of their emotions, translating them into vibrant illustrations that mirrored the ebb and flow of life.

Lily’s drawings depicted the euphoria of chasing fireflies, the warmth of a sun-kissed afternoon, and the laughter that echoed through Harmonyville’s streets. Oliver’s sketches, meanwhile, conveyed the nuanced shades of grief — the gentle rain of tears, the resilience of a solitary tree in winter, and the quiet strength found in moments of solitude.

As the night unfolded, the bench beneath the willow tree transformed into an open-air gallery of emotions. Lily and Oliver’s artwork, illuminated by the soft glow of lanterns hanging from the tree’s branches, told a visual story of the human experience — a story that embraced both the highs and lows.

Their artistic endeavor became a symbol of the harmonious coexistence of bliss and grief, and word of Lily and Oliver’s nighttime exploration spread through Harmonyville. Families, enchanted by the idea of celebrating emotions through art, joined the duo in creating a community mural that adorned the town square.

Months passed, and the mural became a cherished landmark in Harmonyville. Lily and Oliver, now revered for their creative wisdom, continued to meet beneath the willow tree, sharing stories and creating art that reflected the ever-changing canvas of their lives.

One autumn evening, as golden leaves carpeted the ground and the air carried a hint of nostalgia, Lily and Oliver experienced a profound moment of grief. The willow tree, witness to countless stories, began to show signs of aging. Its once-lush branches now drooped with the weight of time, and a few leaves, like tears of farewell, fluttered to the ground.

The news of the willow tree’s decline spread through Harmonyville, casting a somber mood over the town. Lily and Oliver, touched by the tree’s silent companionship, felt a pang of sorrow in their hearts.

Determined to honor the tree that had been the backdrop to their adventures, Lily and Oliver organized a community gathering beneath the willow’s branches. Families, friends, and neighbors gathered to express their gratitude for the tree’s years of silent wisdom and shade.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the gathering, Lily and Oliver unveiled a final masterpiece — a mural that captured the essence of their friendship with the willow tree. The mural depicted the changing seasons, the laughter shared, and the tears shed beneath its branches.

Originally published at on January 18, 2024.

